The VIP Escape Room Challenge

Summary - A chance of a lifetime, you and your friends have won VIP concert tickets to Painting Strokes, a multi-platinum band that has global appeal. The big day has arrived, and you meet your Concert contact, Jimmy, in the Green Room right before the concert is about to begin. Unfortunately, your tickets have been misplaced. Without them, there is no possible way to see the concert or meet the band. Right before he leaves to manage the needs of the band, Jimmy mentions there are tickets somewhere in the Green Room, but they are locked away for safekeeping. Find them before the concert starts, or your night of fun will prematurely end!

Three teams will compete.  Each team will consist of 8 members and the times will be 7:00 pm, 7:45 pm and 8:30 pm.  After the teams have completed the challenge the director of the Escape Room will total up the points to determine the winning team.  Each member of the winning team will go home with a bottle of wine of their choice.

You must choose a time when you register.

The cost includes competing in the challenge, a glass of wine and a cheese platter.

Click Here to sign up